(Written by Calvin Masote) My experiences with the CYM have been impactual in a way due to the fact that I learnt a lot of things. I also consider my experiences very “edutaining” in a way due to the fact that I have confronted and conquered while having fun. I can say my relationship with God has become more enhanced. I can say I have built a strong fellowship and/or companionship with God. The theme of my self-discovery had been met and I somewhat realised the inner potential I have within me and it’s safe to say something inside is so strong. I have learnt that I am the chosen generation born on the shaws of excellence and what I require for what the lord has done for me for I know who I am. Truth be told at first I thought the SAHAC institution would turn me into a sissy due to the whole fact of expression of feelings, having to cry and the hardest was having to open up but then the triple T which stands for Tlaleng, Themba and Tseole [Life Coaches, edit note] are the people who helped me the most. They taught me about the anchor scripture which is Joshua 1:9 which reads as follows: “Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous, do not be afraid do not be terrified for your lord God is with you wherever you go”. The CYM also taught me about the six pillars which are respect, trustworthy, citizenship, responsibility, fairness and caring and oh not to mention the nine fruits of the spirit now is that amazing? It is trust me!
The vision and mission
Courage youth that thrive in all aspects of life: spiritual, emotional, physical, academic, social and economic
In the communities of youth in which we engage, significant in drug and alcohol addiction, HIV infection and teenagepregnancy
About Myself
I’m a simple gentleman who was born and bred in the ghetto. I come from a disadvantaged background and I’m only mentioning this because I want to take the time to thank all the investors because if I wasn’t for you all. I wouldn’t have gotten an opportunity to learn about the bible I wouldn’t get the opportunity to go to camps and have fun without even compensation the full required amount so I must say it is both a pleasure and a privilege to say we are truly honored to have people who change young people’s minds .
I’m currently at the University of the Witswatersrand doing my degree in law and I must say it’s quite sublime in a way because I also get a chance to change another person’s life as for mine has been changed too. I am filled with the holy spirit and it’s all thanks to the institution. Truth be told, before CYM, I had lost all hope that God does exist. I had no faith whatsoever and I was constantly angry that if God is all loving and everything then why would he let his own children suffer. I was confused that if he’s all supreme and everything then why would there be things like crime, murder, rape, etc. But then I found the CYM. But prior it was the CYC which means that it was the Courage Youth Club but then it turned into a movement due to the fact that we see that there is a great need of change in our world hence the aim will be to spread it worldwide.
With all that said I can say the Lord God is the king of kings, the father of fathers, and my true identity lies within him. He is the way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, the light out of the darkness – my god that’s who he is. The prince of peace, lion of judah and the alpha and omega. It has been a great pleasure sharing my experiences of SAHAC. I’ll leave you with my key to self-discovery which is found in John 1:9 and Matthew 6:1.